Support for Applications

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision.  Let us help you make the right choice.

Our Admissions Officer, Miss Naoko Kimura, will guide you through the application process step-by-step.  If at any point you have any questions, please feel free to contact her

Telephone: +81-(078)-231-8885

Online Open House

Sign up for our Online Open House from here. They are held monthly – please check the dates on the form.

オンラインオープンハウスは こちらから からお申込みください。毎月開催されますので申込みフォームにて日程をご確認ください。

Admissions Policy

We welcome all nationalities at St. Michael’s International School and applications are encouraged from internationally-minded families in search of a British style curriculum which is delivered by native English speaking teachers.

Admissions Policy

Application Procedure

Early registration is encouraged to secure a place.  Applications for the following academic year are welcome from January onwards.
Application Procedure

Application Forms

Click on the link below to make your online application to St. Michael’s International School.

Application Forms

Comparison Chart

Comparison chart to explain the difference between school systems 学校制度の比較表

Comparison Chart

Enrolment Procedure

After your child’s place at St. Michael’s International School has been confirmed, the School will send you a Welcome Email to prepare for your child’s first day at School.

Enrolment Procedure

School Fee Information

As a not-for-profit organization, St. Michael’s International School  aims to keep school fees as affordable as possible. All income is retained within school for the purposes of education.

Fees for 2023-2024

Payment Policy

The Application Fee is non-refundable and payable at the time the application is submitted. Applications will not be considered complete for review until the application fee has been made.

Payment Policy

Privacy Policy

St. Michael’s International School recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Click on the link below to read our privacy statement which explains what we may do with any personal information that we may obtain from you.

Privacy Policy

Short Stay Enrolment Process

Limited spaces are available for primary aged international school children visiting Japan.  Children enrolled between one to seven weeks are considered a short stay student.  School Uniform is not mandatory for short stay students however, we encourage your child to wear school colours.

Short Stay Enrolment Process

Medical Policy upon Enrolment

St. Michael’s International School has adopted recommendations from the World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Center for Disease Control, and various other immunisation schedules throughout the world in determining its immunisation requirements.

Medical Policy upon Enrolment