Capital Campaign

The Capital Campaign

What is a Capital Campaign?

Support for a Capital Campaign is solicited for a specific purpose such as building renewal or expansion. Often a long term project, a Capital Campaign may last 3-5 years or more to reach a larger financial goal. Capital Campaigns support the long term future of school buildings and facilities beyond that which is possible from regular income from tuition fees.

Is St. Michael’s International School currently in a Capital Campaign?

Not currently. Following the successful completion of the ambitious 70th Project in 2018, the capital campaign has ended. St. Michael’s International School welcomes donations at anytime which it will put towards the next fundraising campaign. 

What have previous Capital Campaigns achieved? 

Thanks to the generosity of donors to The 70th Project, St. Michael’s  International School has been able to renovate the main building, providing significantly upgraded facilities for staff and students to enjoy including anti-seismic renovations, improved lighting, fire safety features and air conditioning. a new multipurpose school hall and an exciting new playground.